So it’s that time of the day again where I try to figure out which emails I missed in the last two hours is important, and which I can ignore till 17:00. And this is what my INBOX looks like:
Re: [Fwd]
Re: Attention Steven
Fwd: Re:
Re: MyOwnCompanyName
Needless to say. I feel violated. No, the above is really not a massive over-exaggeration. The truth is I just skipped a few (three or four) entries with sane Subject lines. And it’s been a good day seeing that there was only about 10 missed emails in the two hours.
Blank subject lines are an enormous frustration for me as well, especially when someone else replies/forwards it on _and doesn’t put one in_. Grr.
Makes me want to configure the MTA to reject such e-mails and return them to the sender with “unable to deliver message, subject line required” or similar message, though that would probably make some of them just enter a single word that has nothing to do with the content of the e-mail…or worse, they call the support line. 🙁
I believe you forgot my favorite:
Please review the following unimportant crap that has nothing at all to do with you.
Sandy Spamcastle