Author Archive

Temporary errors are NOT permanent

Friday, May 8th, 2009

I’ve had some complaints recently of greylisting generating bounces.  This should not be happening, so until this morning I made this off as total crap stories that people are pulling on me in order to once more receive their daily dose of spam.  As it turns out, however, there are in fact some large govermental organizations that believes that temporary errors are in fact permanent (And probably others too).


Getting a grip on greylisting

Friday, May 1st, 2009

So I’ve been wondering whether or not I should implement greylisting or not.  If I do, what’s the dangers and pretty much being rather nervous about the whole situation for quite a long while now.  Eventually one day (quite recently) I decided the amount of junk coming into my mail box again warranted some further action.  In particular I was getting back to the point where I was receiving 2 to 5 spam messages per day on a mailbox that has no spamassassin to protect it, only yes/no checks (the type that I prefer). (more…)

Google Servers

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

After reading the article at I figured that it had to be a hoax.  I mean, that just looks like it’s looking for trouble.  However, after about a 20 minute discussion around this with one of the guys working at Google I am now reasonably convinced that this may very well be for real.


Dealing with “government”

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

There is really only one piece of advise I can give on this:  Don’t.
