I’ve racked my head a few times now trying to calculate how big a pipe I need for various call concurrencies. So I’ve decided it’s finally time to sit down and do the calculations for both SIP/RTP and IAX2.
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Calculating VoIP Bandwidth requirements
Thursday, January 22nd, 2009Multi-account VoIP providers
Wednesday, January 14th, 2009In some cases one would like to be able to connect multiple SIP/IAX accounts to the same upstream server. Each account may have differing creditials etc and this can (with asterisk at least) create some authentication issues. Fortunately there exists some “solutions”.
The horrors of moving office
Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008So I had the privilege of moving offices recently. In fact, December has pretty much been dedicated to getting moving. So where shall I begin …
A bust network “not our fault”
Monday, December 15th, 2008So … I had the privilege of receiving an ADSL line that is about as bust as a set of lines at one of my clients. And now Telkom wants to charge me a callout charge if “the problem is not on their network”.