Over the years I’ve used Ericson and Nokia phones mostly. When it became time to start moving into the “smart phone” arena I got a Nokia N9. Then a Samsung Galaxy Note 2, and now the Note 4. Migration (between Android phones) is harder than it should be. Much harder. (more…)
Author Archive
The Abomination that is Android
Wednesday, August 26th, 2015GlusterFS – migration woes
Sunday, May 17th, 2015So I’ve got a GlusterFS cluster that is a simple 1×2 distribute-replicate with two bricks (one on each server). So I need to migrate this from one data centre to another with little or no downtime (which means move one server, perform heal, and then go and shut the other and move it too).
Unfortunately I got stuck in the middle with the moved server not wanting to talk with it’s peer again. As it turns out changing the IPs is … hard. Fortunately I used Private (RFC1819) IP addresses in the original setup on a dedicated cable between the two servers.
Denial of Service
Thursday, April 2nd, 2015Denial of Service attacks is a very vague term for a group of attacks that causes a service to be denied to legitimate users. Obviously when you host your website publicly you want it to be available – so having it taken down by some hacker is highly annoying. And I’m not referring to only websites, there are many other types of applications and services out there that can be “taken down”, or to which “service can be denied”.
PS1 tips and tricks
Monday, September 1st, 2014So two things have been bugging me off late, knowing if the previous command exited non-zero, and I’ve just now once too many times committed on the wrong git branch. The former question is easy enough to answer with “echo $?” and the latter with “git branch” before “git commit” – but lets be honest – how regularly do you really double check which branch you’re on?