Author Archive

Taking security seriously (funny)

Thursday, August 28th, 2008

I just absolutely HAD to share this with the rest of the world, I just received this email from a colleague at a sister company of mine. Their names removed and replaced for their anonymity. For those that don’t understand afrikaans, sorry folks. Maybe someone will translate for you.


Jy sal sien onder Plankie se naam is daar ‘n sudoer attempt. Dit was ek, ek het gou die parameters van sy rights getoets.

Plankie – let op. Ons neem die linux systems baie ernstig op – Ek rapporteer nou dat daar ‘n vlaggie sal opgaan by Jaco omdat ek gekyk het of jou account can sudo. Ja Jaco “besit” daai stelsels net soos ek die webserver “besit”. Hy sal aan my rapporteer as hy iets buitengewoon op die webserver doen. Dis nie omdat die een die ander se baas is nie – dit is net decent IT practice. Nee jy hoef nie nou te verstaan wat sudo is nie.

Lekker dag.

OS Assumptions

Monday, August 25th, 2008

Doing what I do I reckon people will understand my gripe with this one:  THE ASSUMPTION THAT EVERYBODY USES WINDOWS…


Huawei E220

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

I don’t really want to even start with this post. This little device has caused me numerous headaches, from as simple as “it simply doesn’t work”, right through to incorrect DNS servers, and even failing VPN connections. Which was the last straw.


Passwords smashwords

Saturday, August 9th, 2008

Obtaining passwords just seems to be too easy. And the more I work in the industry the more I realize that people just don’t take security seriously. So how paranoid should you be? How serious should you take passwords? In a word: VERY.
