So a client bugged me about encryption last week, and I dug up some stuff I wrote probably about six months ago, with all intent of publishing it, but never got round to it. The encryption described here is for Linux (I use Gentoo, most of it should apply to other distributions but I have no idea how easy/hard it would be to set it up with other distributions).
Encrypted Harddrive (Gentoo)
September 22nd, 2008A strategy for recording calls and minimizing g729 license usage
September 6th, 2008When making recordings of g729 channels at least two decoders will be used. This means that if you have 10 licenses you can have a maximum concurrency of 5 calls going through your system that is being recorded. For anything but the smallest of switches this is not acceptable.
In addition, recording to .wav is a rather space-consuming process. Instead, we’d like to minimize the g729 license usage, as well as optimizing disk-consumption.