So recently I started bumping into an issue where I would see a buildup of traffic in the RX queue of asterisk’s SIP port 5060 (udp bound). After some scavenging of the code I quickly came to realize that asterisk only processes a single incoming SIP request (or response) at a time. So I cooked a rather crude patch (that I for the shame of it won’t share here) in an attempt to figure out what went wrong.
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Asterisk – massively speeding up those REGISTER requests
August 1st, 2013Using php-fpm and mod_proxy_fcgi to optimize and secure LAMP servers
January 16th, 2013So up until now I’ve been using mpm_itk or mpm_peruser – both with advantages and disadvantages in an attempt to secure web content. Both of these is essentially a forking mpm, kills Keepalive to a greater or lesser extent, and almost as important – neither is supported by mainline apache (so you’re on you own). Personally I prefer mpm_worker (or more recently mpm_event) since it’s threaded, and I find that it uses less resources (in terms of memory mostly). A lot of movement has also been happening with respect to FastCGI and the advantages are very good, both in terms of security and reliability (in theory).
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Outlook hamstrunged ULS progress
August 24th, 2012I’m not one for highly controversial titles. But today Outlook wasted a couple of hours of my life. Instead of posting big explanations I think I’ll rather let the pictures do the talking:
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DSL (iBurst) bonding options
April 24th, 2012So recently I started getting a lot of inquiries about ADSL line bonding and decided it was time to start investigating. Various options have presented itself, but very few true solutions.
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