October 16th, 2010

The regionals of the ACM ICPC takes place every year around October. Today was that day for 2010. This posts just documents my experiences around the preperation leading up to the event, what went wrong, what went right, and some notes regarding AbacusCM.
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Using asterisk as a RAS server

September 16th, 2010

So I’ve got a client that has a need to have his clients dial into his network using ISDN. Right, so stagger a bunch of ISDN modems, use mgetty on them … yea yea. Figured I’d go the interesting route, get a few quad-port Digium ISDN PRI cards into a box (5 cards, => 5 * 4 * 40 = 20 * 30 = 600 odd available channels) and do this using asterisk.
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Asterisk – bri_net_ptmp

September 16th, 2010

I recently needed to do some testing and required a bri_net_ptmp mode running on asterisk to connect another asterisk to. Needless to say, bumping into “How cool would it be if someone implemented this mode! For now, sucks for you.” is NOT fun.
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PHP curl – controlling multi concurrency

August 25th, 2010

Right, so I moved from downloading 50+ curl handles using the simple interface to using the curl_multi variant, and suddenly I bumbed into a few problems, firstly my downloads were incomplete by the time the code stopped looping (reference example code!) and the web server took some strain trying to serve 50+ severely CPU intensive queries at the same time (an individual download can take up to a few minutes depending on various things, thus why I need concurrency – multiple cores – can just as well utilize them).
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