Archive for the ‘Email’ Category

Getting a grip on greylisting

Friday, May 1st, 2009

So I’ve been wondering whether or not I should implement greylisting or not.  If I do, what’s the dangers and pretty much being rather nervous about the whole situation for quite a long while now.  Eventually one day (quite recently) I decided the amount of junk coming into my mail box again warranted some further action.  In particular I was getting back to the point where I was receiving 2 to 5 spam messages per day on a mailbox that has no spamassassin to protect it, only yes/no checks (the type that I prefer). (more…)

Nashua Mobile – putting new meaning to the word SPAM

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Right, so I’m in the privileged position where I’ve received more bounces in a single day than I generally do in any given 6 month period.  Thanks to Nashua Mobile.  Why am I posting this here?  Because I’ve phoned them twice now, I’ve been promised it will be sorted out, and yet, the bounces keeps coming…


SMTP Mania

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

Ok, so SAIX finally pushed me over my limits.  I’ve actually had to go make code modifications to exim now to work around the fact that they’re issuing incorrect error codes for their particular errors.


Dealing with spammers

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

So I receive very little spam generally. In fact, most of my spam are from suppliers that don’t seem to be able to differentiate between “I want to receive your emails regarding quotes and invoices and stock availability on orders but I don’t want to know about your specials twice a day.”, so on the odd occasion that I receive real SPAM, I’m pissed. Very pissed.
