ATI … oh how I hate it…

December 9th, 2008

I’m a Gentoo user … for a reason:  I like to tamper.  So with this, my sincerest thanks to ATI for time upon time upon time making this an absolutely painful experience for me.  My current predicament is that I want to run 2.6.27 kernel … but alas, that means no ati-drivers without also upgrading the entire X11 server, or customizing the ati-drivers sources to actually work against the new kernel …

Yes, this is a rant.  The radeonhd drivers isn’t ready yet, which means I’m stuck with ati-drivers.  Which in turn means that I’ve got to run kernels that’s so old it could just as well have come an equally ancient letter (you know, the kind where the paper starts turning yellow) explaining it’s age.  Yes, that’s quite exaggerated as it’s probably only a three month cycle to get the new updated drivers.  No, that IMHO is too long.  I don’t care how much they compare and try to explain that the model is better than that of nVidia, I really simply don’t care.  I want a driver that works with my current (stable) version of X11, along with my 2.6.27 kernel.  And it seems I can’t have this.

Hooking cell phones up to your (IP) PBX

November 30th, 2008

I recently got overly annoyed with both the office phone and my cell phone going off on me at the same time. Then I bumped into chan_mobile. Now I have some nasty ideas. Why not use bluetooth to automatically hook your cellphone up to the PBX whenever you walk into the office? Sounds hard? Well, as a matter of fact, it’s not.

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Dealing with spammers

November 27th, 2008

So I receive very little spam generally. In fact, most of my spam are from suppliers that don’t seem to be able to differentiate between “I want to receive your emails regarding quotes and invoices and stock availability on orders but I don’t want to know about your specials twice a day.”, so on the odd occasion that I receive real SPAM, I’m pissed. Very pissed.

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Live without version control …

November 21st, 2008

I made a large commit a few minutes back, and crazy as this may sound, I nearly sighed an audible sound of relieve! I’m not sure why this is – I managed most of four years of university without version control without an insane amount of harm done.

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